Friday, January 7, 2011

God and Guys

Last night I got to talk to a dear friend, and the topic of relationships and dating came up. (Not hard to do when one or both of you likes a certain guy...) We questioned how much one should allow his/herself to be focused on that person. I personally feel that the best relationship is going to be grounded in a mutual desire to grow in Christ and encourage each other in that journey. This focus/desire for a guy or girl should enhance your love for the Lord, rather than inhibit it. They may become the one person you want to spend time with, but at the same time you shouldn't be putting God on the back burner, so to speak. He should be the guiding force in what direction and growth your friendship takes.

What I really want to know right now is why I have feelings for a guy at this time in my life. He's temporarily unavailable, and I am busy with school. My focus needs to be on the Lord! Maybe I'm doing better with that focus than I currently feel, but if so, it does not make sense why God would put such a guy in my life and then say "you need to wait". It's not invalidating my attraction for this guy, but instead showing me my continued need to better trust in God and His timing. It should be so simple. I make it so complicated.

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