Monday, January 10, 2011

The other night I found out that communication with my guy friend is going to be even more limited if not non-existent for at least a little while. I'm hoping it's not going to be like this for the next 7 months that we're in school! It's frustrating when we haven't been talking all that much at all up til this new development. How are you supposed to keep in contact with a friend if you aren't able to communicate with them?

This turn of events seems ironic considering how much I was missing this friend all of last week. I'm trusting God in how everything is going to turn out, but I'm not going to deny that it's hard. All I can do right now is keep pouring myself into my responsiblities and focusing on my Saviour. And praying for guidance and strength to handle these trials my friends and I are facing.

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