Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lord, I Give You Me

I love my friends. SO much. They are such blessings and I thank God every day for them. While reveling in those thoughts it can be easy for me to start thinking subconsciously that their lives should go certain directions so as to fit mine like I would like. haha That's usually what does NOT happen. Not to say that we don't have opportunities to have conversation or go places together; it's usually just not as frequent or as physically close as I would prefer. Like I've said before, God seems to be showing me how much I really need to be relying on Him versus people and things in my life. Why is it so hard to hand over the reigns to Him? Let Him be my GPS voice and His Word be my map?

This month I've been reading "Loving God with all Your Mind" by Elizabeth George. It touches on taking your thoughts captive and giving your past, present, and future to the Lord. If you consider what it would literally mean to take your thoughts captive, what do you picture? Would your life look different? Would you be so consumed with homework, relationships, or financial stresses? He says, "come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL GIVE YOU REST." (Matthew 11:28) Seriously, why do I cling so closely to my worries? My God will take care of me and knows my desires. A song that I would like to see reflected in my life (I've heard by Go Fish; written by Tony Sutherland) says this:

Lord I give you me.
I give you my all.
I hold nothing back.
I'm answering your call.
Though I live or die, your glory is my life.
I give you everything.
Lord I give you me.
Lord I give you me.
Lord I give you me.
It may not look like much.
I know that I need change,
I know I need your touch.
Take me as I am,
Place me in Your plan.
That's where I want to be.
Lord I give you me.
Lord with every breath,
I'll worship You in life,
I'll worship You in death.
I lay down my heart.
It's all I have to give,
As long as I may live.
Lord I give You me....
You sent Your son to save me,
and I believe it's true.
And now this life You gave me,
I give it back to You.

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