Monday, May 16, 2011

Hold On...

Life is not easy. It is hard work! As a grad student looking forward to graduation and "the real world" in just a few months, I am starting to get excited...and nervous.

I have already begun looking for jobs, and so far it is rather discouraging. Half the time I don't see any postings for the geographic locations I want, and the rest of the time the jobs I see are not up my alley in regards to expertise or interest. I am choosing to trust God that there is something out there for me and that I'm looking where He would have me be. It's hard.

There are so many different things to worry about, stress over, etc. in adult life. I have friends and family turning to me to share their concerns and trials, and while I love that I can serve them in that capacity, it is hard when they seem to all do it at the same time. I want to encourage them with God's promises, but I also need to strengthen myself by growing closer to Him first. He is my strenth; I hold on to Him in the midst of all my struggles. And I praise Him for all the blessings I DO have!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's Over

This week my "special" guy friend and I had a DTR via instant messaging. For all of my non-Cedarville friends, a DTR stands for a conversation in which the two of you define the relationship. I don't think I realized what he was trying to say to me while we were talking. I mean, online conversations can go multiple directions and it can be difficult to know if you are reading into things the wrong way. I like to be optimistic when I am unsure.

He doesn't want me to wait for him. At the same time he doesn't want to lose my friendship. The details of the situation don't make it any less complicated, and overall I just feel confused. He told me he doesn't want me to get hurt, but in a way I am right now. Are his feelings for me gone? I'll admit, I'm a little in love with the idea of us having a romantic relationship, but I have also been trying to focus on us being friends when I knew that any possibility of a relationship would be in several months or even a year. It is so hard when so many (arbitrary) things remind me of him.

One minute I want to cry. The next I am angry. Then I am sorrowful and ashamed of how much I have held on to the hope of being with this guy. Looking back, a few months ago I think he tried telling me this and I didn't hear it. I've been blinded by my personal dreams and overall busyness with school. I realized that this guy did not belong to me, and truly wanted him to choose growing closer to God over me. He is doing that. But now I am also seeing that I have been holding on to this potential relationship so hard because I can not see God's plan for me. I yearn to have that special marital relationship. My Jesus knows this, and yet I try to take things into my own hands. Psalm 37 says, "Trust in the Lord...delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." Maybe things will work out with this guy someday, but for's over.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knit Together...

This week I read about the friendship of David and Jonathan in the OT. What really struck me was how it describes their bond - "at their moment their souls were knit together" (paraphrased). How amazing is that? To be so united in spirit and love for each other. I don't know that many of us can say that about about any one person in our lives. Or may be we can.

I can think of a couple girls in my life with whom I feel "knit together" in spirit. It is an incredible blessing to have such friends. These people put your needs before their own. They care about you and fight for you. Sometimes I catch myself wondering what my marriage relationship will be like someday. I imagine that it should be a mutual sharing and passion for each other's good. But what do I know. :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh, ye of little faith!

This week I've been reading about the Israelites and their cry out to God for a king so they could be like all the other peoples. Every time I read about them the first thought I have is, "what are you doing?! Can't you see He loves you and nothing else will fulfill you?" Two seconds later I realize that I am no better. How often I find myself longing for things other than Him...I KNOW they won't fulfill me like He does, but it still happens.

Why is it so hard? I seek Him; I want Him to be my lifesource. Why is it so difficult to wait on God's timing? Why do we want things that other people have?

Deuteronomy 7:9
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations..."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Still and Know I AM

Tonight I am feeling a culmination of emotions centering on the fact that I feel very alone in a very secular world. I am so tired. I need discipleship/mentorship. I have a few friends that serve in the discipleship capacity for me, but they aren't close by. I have other friendships where I feel like I am the "strong" Christian and right now that is wearing on me.
I really miss the daily fellowship in chapel I had in college. It's such a blessing, and those 4 years go by so quickly! I yearn for that kind of time again. At least at my home church, there is not much ministry specifically for the benefit of young adults after the college years. We're kind of lumped into the "adult" group which is typically young parents, adults my parents age, and older. I am grateful for getting time to learn from those individuals, but I also feel that I am at a completely different point of life than they are. I am struggling to trust God with the unknown of my future after grad school, finances for food, clothing, school, etc., relationships... I am so overwhelmed. I am trying to surrender it all to Him, but even so I feel very alone and could use some encouragement and wisdom and an outlet.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lean on Me!

This week I am all alone in my apartment due to my roommate being gone for a conference. Though we don't see all that much of each other when we are both here, I really miss her. Living by one's self is not fun at all.

I have gotten through yet another week of classes. Whew! It really isn't that bad yet, but I felt strained this week trying to focus on homework and school in general. My heart longed to be elsewhere. Like relaxing on a warm beach, having a dinner date with a good friend, or even just to veg. Ummm, let me remind myself, the time to do all of that ended a couple weeks ago, and the possibility of a warm beach isn't on the horizon until August!

As I sit in my apartment, "all alone", it gives me ample opportunity to evaluate my time and what i do with it. This week as I looked at what I don't want to do, did I complain? Unfortunately, yes. Did I seek God's strength? A little. Not half as much I would have liked to be able to say. "Lean on Me!" He says. "But it's so nice swimming in this mess around me!" I retort. It's almost as if I can see His light shining through the clouds, but I choose to keep my focus on the clouds. Am I afraid of being blinded by His love for me? Are you? I really want to watch Him move those clouds; use those clouds. My problem is letting go of those "tangibles". His love will stop being intangible to us if we would only let Him in.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Now, not Later

This week my eyes have been open to how little I actually open my Bible to read it. How often I put it off and rationalize it with reading about God from a different source or listening to someone else. I want to change this. If you're reading this, please pray for me! Accountability partners are needed and welcome.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The other night I found out that communication with my guy friend is going to be even more limited if not non-existent for at least a little while. I'm hoping it's not going to be like this for the next 7 months that we're in school! It's frustrating when we haven't been talking all that much at all up til this new development. How are you supposed to keep in contact with a friend if you aren't able to communicate with them?

This turn of events seems ironic considering how much I was missing this friend all of last week. I'm trusting God in how everything is going to turn out, but I'm not going to deny that it's hard. All I can do right now is keep pouring myself into my responsiblities and focusing on my Saviour. And praying for guidance and strength to handle these trials my friends and I are facing.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lord, I Give You Me

I love my friends. SO much. They are such blessings and I thank God every day for them. While reveling in those thoughts it can be easy for me to start thinking subconsciously that their lives should go certain directions so as to fit mine like I would like. haha That's usually what does NOT happen. Not to say that we don't have opportunities to have conversation or go places together; it's usually just not as frequent or as physically close as I would prefer. Like I've said before, God seems to be showing me how much I really need to be relying on Him versus people and things in my life. Why is it so hard to hand over the reigns to Him? Let Him be my GPS voice and His Word be my map?

This month I've been reading "Loving God with all Your Mind" by Elizabeth George. It touches on taking your thoughts captive and giving your past, present, and future to the Lord. If you consider what it would literally mean to take your thoughts captive, what do you picture? Would your life look different? Would you be so consumed with homework, relationships, or financial stresses? He says, "come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL GIVE YOU REST." (Matthew 11:28) Seriously, why do I cling so closely to my worries? My God will take care of me and knows my desires. A song that I would like to see reflected in my life (I've heard by Go Fish; written by Tony Sutherland) says this:

Lord I give you me.
I give you my all.
I hold nothing back.
I'm answering your call.
Though I live or die, your glory is my life.
I give you everything.
Lord I give you me.
Lord I give you me.
Lord I give you me.
It may not look like much.
I know that I need change,
I know I need your touch.
Take me as I am,
Place me in Your plan.
That's where I want to be.
Lord I give you me.
Lord with every breath,
I'll worship You in life,
I'll worship You in death.
I lay down my heart.
It's all I have to give,
As long as I may live.
Lord I give You me....
You sent Your son to save me,
and I believe it's true.
And now this life You gave me,
I give it back to You.

Friday, January 7, 2011

God and Guys

Last night I got to talk to a dear friend, and the topic of relationships and dating came up. (Not hard to do when one or both of you likes a certain guy...) We questioned how much one should allow his/herself to be focused on that person. I personally feel that the best relationship is going to be grounded in a mutual desire to grow in Christ and encourage each other in that journey. This focus/desire for a guy or girl should enhance your love for the Lord, rather than inhibit it. They may become the one person you want to spend time with, but at the same time you shouldn't be putting God on the back burner, so to speak. He should be the guiding force in what direction and growth your friendship takes.

What I really want to know right now is why I have feelings for a guy at this time in my life. He's temporarily unavailable, and I am busy with school. My focus needs to be on the Lord! Maybe I'm doing better with that focus than I currently feel, but if so, it does not make sense why God would put such a guy in my life and then say "you need to wait". It's not invalidating my attraction for this guy, but instead showing me my continued need to better trust in God and His timing. It should be so simple. I make it so complicated.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

An Introduction...

Hello! I am a simple girl seeking to know and follow my Savior with all of my heart. This blog stems from a new year's "resolution" to more effectively recognize teachings and revelations throughout the year. Perhaps by blogging about them I may be more encouraged to document them.

So. Complex Simplicity? I chose that name because it reflects how I see my relationship with Christ and His love for me. All He asks is to believe and follow Him. So simple. It's also complex because of my human desires and straying from that simple path. As the year progresses I want to see those two extremes draw closer together and not have such a chasm between my dreams and what God's desire is for me.